The Devil's Advocate

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Intelligent Design Without God

Even Leonard Susskind, the atheist physicist who developed string theory, admits that given the fine-tuning of the physical constants, it's either the multiverse or intelligent design. If multiverse theory fails, though, God isn't the only answer. Check out this YouTube video:

Some physicists propose that our universe is a computer simulation created by intelligent beings from outside our universe. If you've never watched the film The Matrix, which dealt with this question, check out this short video:

1 comment:

Todd Gnarly, Super-Fundie said...

Look, dorkwad, where did these designing aliens come from? If you propose that this universe was intelligently designed, then you have no example of any universe that was not intelligently designed. So to propose that these alien Matrix creators evolved without intelligent design is ad hoc argumentation. But if they, too, were intelligently designed by still other aliens, then where does it all end? Do we assert infinite regress, "the designer was designed by a designer who was designed by a designer who was designed by..." Or do we stop somewhere? If we stop somewhere, though, we end up with an undesigned Designer -- God, in other words.